Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Gotta Love It !

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Mayors Against Illegal Guns

How can anyone be against a group with such a noble title as "'anyone' Against Illegal Guns"?

Well, it's easy when the title doesn't tell the real agenda of the organization.

Quick little look at the MAIG "Media Center" reveals the Editorials and Op-eds that warm their little hearts:

"...those frightened and insecure individuals who feel a need to carry concealed weapons."

They apparently love comments from the Violence Policy Center like this gem from that organizations legislative director Kristen Rand:

"State concealed handgun systems are arming cop-killers and other murderers. It is beyond irrational for Congress to vote to expand the reach of these deadly laws."

Their goal on the surface certainly sounds noble, they claim to want to protect the second amendment and law aiding citizens ability to protect themselves while keeping guns out of the hands of criminals.

The reality is that nothing could be further from the truth. The sad fact is that their true agenda will only be apparent to someone who digs deep into the their policy papers, their press releases and editorial rhetoric.