Friday, September 29, 2006

That Was a Good Martini

That Was a Good Martini,

Or... at least it did what it was supposed to do. It just plain knocked me on my ass and put me to sleep last night. The nice thing about martini consumption is the gin. Gin just doesn't leave much of anything of a hangover. Gins and Vodkas are deffinitely the prefered libation of professional alcoholics. Somehow the clear spirits just don't have the nasty things in them that force one to the bathroom floor resting one's head on the cool understanding porcelin rim.

You see as an incentive to do laundry, I allow myself a martini per load of wash. Naturaly after three loads or more, one wakes up the next day wondering what happend to their clothes. Apparently from what I hear, this is a very common side effect of martini consumption.

Well, the towels are dry, aparently I had the sense to move them to the dryer before becoming completely numb. Undies are still wet, that's ok since I usually go commando. So, all is well with my world.


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