Saturday, February 24, 2007

Poor Bubba

Well, once again poor Bubba is under the weather.

For thos e that don't know, Bubba is our '92 S10 Blazer.


T took Bubba to Wally World for an oil change and they topped off the coolant. Well, looks like they mixed red and green... If you don't know it that means BROWN... aka: mud. You see older green and blue antifreeze does not mix with newer red antifreeze. If you mix these two incompatible fluids... it makes BROWN... Brown mud that will not cool an engine.

So, several weeks ago I topped off Bubba with some coolant flush to try and clean out the mess... Well, it froze. Then overheated on C. It was a distraction...

However there was a worse distraction...

While driving Bubba, C reached for an Iced Tea that was in the console... While this distraction was going on, a snow bank jumped in front of Bubba.

Poor Bubba, his right front wheel is now smashed against the fender, and Diad is pissed.

Oh the joys...


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