Thursday, August 10, 2006

Entry for August 11, 2006

A Toast to The Brits, Three Cheers to Our Allies in the UK

But couldn't you have gotten the scum on a different day?

Had international visitors yesterday and I missed out on very nice steak-laden lunch since they had to leave early so they could get through the hightened security and still make their flight.

Well back to the Bubba thing. Progress has been slow, but it is progress. The bucks have gotten to be a real problem as T and I struggle to get Bubba back in shape. Life marches on.

While lifting the engine last night we discovered what it was that stung me the other night on the hand. Seems there was a nest of "deads" living inside the beam of the engine hoist. They were wasps, but now they are deads.


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