Saturday, August 12, 2006

Entry for August 12, 2006


I just added "Sex" to my 360 interests. It is afterall one of those things I think about more than once in any given day. Then... I searched local for women who share my interst in "Sex". To my surprise there were ony 4 females (40-51) in a 25 mile radius that are interested in "Sex". It's very discouraging, yet I also find it hard to believe. I know for a fact that there are more than 4 women within 25 miles who care about "Sex". In fact, I've met some who that's all they think about, and that's a good thing. But I think it's high time that the women of SE Pennsylvania come out of the closet and admit to having had sex, and the continued desire to experience it again.

Incredible, such a beautiful day.

M has the camera somewhere or I would have taken a picture of the extrodinary sky and tree line. Perfectly clear, cool... right now probably about 70... What a great day to be flying. So at least I put up a photo of a Van's RV-4, someday I will build one. It's both a very strong and very fast aircraft with tandem seating, it will do 200mph on 180hp and climb at an astounding 2450fpm, It also has a well proven track record with over 4,700 RVs completed and flying. Someday I see it overtaking the Cessna Skyhawk as the most produced General Aviation  aircraft.


continues to occupy my time. The motor mounts have proven to be next to impossible to change on the dirt driveway. Today T and I will be attacking the task once again. It looks like I will have to unbolt the body from the chassis so that I can lift the engine high enough to get the new mounts in. After many struggles in the dark over the past week nights in the dark we were able to finally get the old mounts out. We took a break last night, it's been daunting and we both needed to escape Bubba so we could go at it fresh this afternoon. The weather is grand, lots of other things I would be rather doing. The first paragraph in todays blog reminds me on one of those things. Yet we will shortly be putting our shoulders to Bubba's wheel once again. Yesterday I bit the bullet and ordered Bubba a brand new grille, should be here one day next week. I hope he appreciates the thought and cooperates, letting us install his brand new mounts.






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