Sunday, August 13, 2006

Entry for August 13, 2006

The Bubba saga is almost closed.

Bubba is starting to look like a Blazer again. I ordered a new one piece grille and two bumper brackets that should be in early this week. In the mean time we'll probably put Bubba's old broken grille back on as the salvage one is missing headlight doors. The grille in the photo is from a '89 and is a three piece style, Bubba being a '92 uses a different one piece stlye. The headlight doors are where the side marker lamps mount so without them, it's not really completely street legal. Right now the bumper is being held in place with coat hanger, might be fine for WI but certainly not good enough for PA. Since my drive to work takes me into PA State Trooper Territory I have to make him as legal as possible, Troopers memorize the Motor Vehicle Code, they really need a new hobby.

Another beautiful day.

Well Bubba will only get a little attention today, have to get Rex ready for T to take him to Wisconsin. Rex needs an oil change and a bath, that's about it. Have to check out AAA and see if I can sign up, just in case.

Wally World

Went to Wally World after dropping C off at work, saw KK. K and I were born one day apart, he was born the day after me but since I was premature I always point out that he's really older. We compared notes on our offspring, seems he's dealing with issues too. We long for the simpler days of taking the boys to Hawk Mountain Scout Camp, sleeping in the woods and polar bear swims.


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